Consulting in Jyotic Astrology since 1989
Brahman initiation by Srila Bhakti Raksaka Sridhara Deva Gosvami Maharaja in Nabadvip/Bengal India in 1987 after spending several years in India and studying the Vedic scriptures.
Bhakti P.Brünjes
Consulting in jyotish astrology since 1989
Brahman initiation by Srila Bhakti Raksaka Sridhara Deva Gosvami Maharaja in Nabadvip/Bengal India in 1987 after several years in India and study of the Vedic scriptures.
My story
Cheggio, November 2022
.....when i saw this old abandoned ghost village, still breathing from another time, sunken in ruins, 30 years ago, i would not have believed that i would spend a large part of my life in these magical mountains.
- actually, i wanted to go back to india and be closer to the gods there -
in the land of my deepest longings - where my soul feels in harmony with the great spirit -.
in retrospect, i remember the really important and magical moments in my life, the visions and insights i followed in my life.
- until here - and still -
What it means to resurrect whole houses from ruins in the middle of the wilderness (together with the father of my daughter Madhuha Brünjes) I could not imagine at that time.
But life had led me here and I was in the middle of this experience,
it just happened and to understand this better you have to come here.
Here, in this beyond of the other world.
And after all these years I am still here.
I live with my gods and many people, who are changing so often ( but the gods are always the same...)
and I am also devoted to my work, the Vedic astrology. -
My life is a novel of many single episodes, which have taught me and accompanied me intensively.
Slowly I notice the age and understand now better in which paradise I live here, despite all spiritual ups and downs, as well as challenges which the life in the mountains brings with itself.
Many a hard winter here has taught me the not only sensual side of life, but also let me look deep into my own spirit. -
now this was not a usual curriculum vitae in the sense of "about me" - but for you, who read this,
a personal letter